Next Generation 99 Message Sign for Xpert & Xpress Lightbars - 9-9504
LED colour
Product features:
Surface mount high intensity LEDs for maximum visibility
The sign can be operated from the same handset or controller as the vehicle warning equipment, or via 12 or 24V signals – no need for separate controllers
Front and rear message signs can be operated from the same control module
Automatically set up priority messages
Next generation 99 message programmable LED sign installed in Haztec Xpert or Xpress lightbar*
10 character display
Longer messages can use multiple pages up to a maximum of 40 characters including spaces over a total of 4 pages
Messages can be controlled in a number of ways: - Selecting the required message by pressing the relevant button on any Haztec CANbus handset or controller - ideal for priority messages or where there are only a small number of messages to choose from - Using 12V or 24V input signals to automatically display chosen messages whenever the input is present - Scrolling through the LCD display on the Haztec Modulux or 8-82316+ controller - especially useful where the sign is programmed with a large library of messages
Any combination of alphanumeric text, symbols and even custom bitmaps
Optional 5-9506 fitted solar shield to maximise LED visibility in bright sunlight
10-30VDC for 12 or 24V use
* Can be configured as a dedicated airport bar with amber left/right arrows + amber FOLLOW ME + red STOP and with CAP 168 Type C or D (ICAO Annex 14) compliant flash patterns on lights